Kennedy Family : JFK, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Jean Ann Kennedy Smith

Kennedy family is the most successful families residing in the United States. Dedication of Kennedy family are the children of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr and Rose Kennedy for the United States and the world through the best of them through some of their children, namely: John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (JFK), Eunice Kennedy Shriver, Jean Ann Kennedy Smith, Rosemary Kennedy, U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy and others.
John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (29 May 1917 - 22 November 1963), which is also often referred to with the initials JFK, was a president of the United States to 35 John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy became president of a 1961 murder to overwrite the John Fitzgerald "Jack "Kennedy in 1963.
Eunice Kennedy Shriver was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on 10 July 1921 until the end of hayatnya subjugate themselves in the field of humanitarian terumata for a mental disability. In the year 1984, when President Ronald Reagan to give Eunice Kennedy Shriver award Medal of Freedom, the highest honor awarded to dedication Eunice Kennedy Shriver for people with intellectual disability
Jean Ann Kennedy Smith, born 20 February 1928) is a member of the Kennedy family. Born in Brookline, Massachusetts, United States, the eighth of nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. and Rose Kennedy (nee Fitzgerald).
Rosemary Kennedy (September 13, 1918 - Jan 7, 2005) He was a lobotomy at age 23, and during the rest of his life experience mental incapacitated.


  1. berkunjung sambil baca2... mampir balik yah neng

  2. wow..awsome blog!! keren banget loh
    Btw, thanks for stop by and write a comment in my blog.
    Salam kenal dari Pekanbaru...... :)

  3. hal ikhwal tertembaknya JFK kah?!?!?
    met siang sambil bawa es doger :)

  4. hmm..nice news and blog sis.Terimaksih kunjungaanya dan salam kenal juga

  5. Salut, bisa bikin postingan dengan bahasa beginian. PRof kagak gape bahase bule, harus cepet2 belajar neh, biar kagak ketinggalan.

  6. ni artinya apaan, klo keneddy dr dulu aq suka palagi waktu jadi presiden terganteng ;p

    blognya q follow ya


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