Stethoscope with Bluetooth

The more advanced technology should be treated with a wise and sage, hoping to further advance the technology will certainly be a positive effect for many areas, not only for the short term but hoped for the long term.
Technology almost covers all areas of human life, including finance, industry, education and health, of course, particularly in medical equipment. Particularly in the health sector, today many companies to innovate in medical equipment including stethoscopes, including one of the Littmann Electronic Stethoscope, a company engaged in the manufacture of medical equipment to produce advanced technological breakthroughs in creating a stethoscope with lounching 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope is equipped with Bluetooth. It is expected that the performance of Bluetooth easier to medical personnel in analyzing various kinds of diseases without being limited by distance, the other advantage to have this stethoscope can reject external interference, can record and document the patient's heart rhythm.
The following are some design stethoscope equipped with bluetooth:


  1. wow,, teknologi makin maju aja neeehh... keren deh stetoskopnya :D

  2. wah, baru tau aku. keren-keren, pake bluetooth. ternyata bukan cuma henpon aja yah. thanks udah koment dan mampir di blogku

  3. hy devy... blog nya keren. infonya ok ok banget. salam kenal ya dari q

  4. wow...that's cool
    bahkan yang biasa yang dipake dokter ada bluetoothnya
    kira2 ada suntikan bluetooth ga yah

  5. Mantap nih alatnya
    huhuhuhu..tapi apa pasien yang di cek ntar ga kena radiasi bluetooth


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