These photos of me as a high school!

These photos of me as a high school! These photos taken with camera phone time immemorial, although I have a gadget that age category of yore, but not too bad for a collection of photos and added in publishing on the blog, so you just so he could appear on this blog (myself popularize ... ....hehehe...)


  1. cute pothos on cute blog... keep spirit n happy weekend :)

  2. Gimana kalau dipotret dengan kamera yang resolusinya mantap, pasti lebih keren lagi deh...
    Emang susah sih, kalau dari sosnonya emang keren...

  3. ntuh jaman SMA?? lha sekarang dah jaman apa?? hehehe...

    cantik potonya neng :)

  4. Heheeh in bagusan pic drpd sekrng xixixixi just kidding :)

  5. Keep the collection of your photos to be a luxirous memories,

  6. aehhhh... ada foto cewek nih...cantik :D

    blognya bagus nih sis. kalo mau tambah penghasilan lewat blognya pasang iklan CPM aja. Yang ini langsung ngebayar ke rekening paypal tiap bulannya lho.

  7. nice post and good for make money...yeaahhh...congrat

  8. hi friends .............
    This is my first visit on the blog / site for you, wow ..... your blog was incredible, I am happy to be in your blog. will you link Xchange with me, if you are willing, please let me know. I'll input your link too. I hope our friendship can be forever. I'll see you in the new article. ok


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